Rick and Morty Season 4 share

Every way Morty ‘dies’ in the Rick and Morty season 4 premiere

I don’t know how they did it, but Rick and Morty creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon delivered the goriest episode ever with the season 4 premiere, “Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat.”
The opening half hour gushes with blood, guts, and interdimensional logic, a reminder that only Undone, a straight up trip, is working at Rick and Morty’s level of science-fiction psychedelia. Where else can you go for Fascist Shrimp Societies and laser guns that turn police cars into metal cubes with feet? The premiere delivered that bizarre image while also poking the hive of Rick’s problematic behavior.
To quote Rick, “There’s a lesson here, and I’m not the one who’s going to figure it out.”
But there’s a lot to appreciate in this premiere — including a set of details one really needed to pause to appreciate. Don’t worry, we did it for you.
[Ed. note: this post contains spoilers for Rick and Morty season 4 episode 1]
After nearly a two year hiatus, “Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat” finds Beth, Jerry, Summer, Morty, and Rick back at the kitchen table as one happy family. Now Rick has to ask before yanking Morty into a McGuffin-chasing adventure. The manners don’t matter: Morty is doomed the second he steps foot on a greyish purple planet where smugglers mine “death crystals” for cash.
In true Ricky and Morty fashion, Morty’s stolen death crystal cracks open reality and asks deep existential questions (in this case, predicting death and existing to die) laced with squishy gags. By the end, Morty goes full Akira, allowing Roiland and Harmon to stretch the animation quality in ways that feel like new dimensions for a show that I thought had been everywhere. Even through the ridiculousness of two Wasp Ricks rescuing Morty, I couldn’t help but notice the illustrated texture of black swirl wrapping around Hologram Rick. It’s art, man!

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